Small molecular peptide is composed of amino acid through peptide bond, it is functional fragment of protein, which are biologically functional component obtained from protein breakdown products through modern preparation technology.
1. Nyerep langsung tanpa nyerna
There is a protective membrane, it can completely direct enter into intestine and absorbed by it, then enter into human circulation system without be subject to secondary hydrolysis of human body's enzymes, pepsin, pancreatin, amylase, digestive enzymes and acid-base substances.
2. Nyerep
Tanpa runtah atanapi ékskrési, éta tiasa dianggo nalika nyerep.
3. Nyerep aktif
Peptida rendah (Olgopepsidide) tiasa kaserep ku awak manusa.
4. Tanpa ngirangan tanaga manusa
Tanpa ngirangan énergi manusa sareng ningkatkeun beban fatriefointest.
5. Cukang cersida Peptida tiasa mindahkeun sadaya jenis gizi pikeun sél, jaringan sareng organs salaku pamawa.
POST Waktos: Agustus 30-2021